Looking To Register A Company In Singapore?
Setting up a new business venture doesn't have to be an unnerving experience! Let us take you through each step to set up your private limited company, you'll be surprised how simple and hassle-free it is. Get StartedRegistering A Private Limited Company In Singapore
Setting up a company in Singapore is fast which can be typically completed within 2 days. Ever wondered what are the advantages of setting up a Private Limited Company in Singapore? Let’s take a look!
Establishes Your Business Credibility
Establishes Your Business Credibility
Manage Your Business Better With A Separate Entity
Enjoy The Benefits of Limited Liabilities
Enjoy Exclusive Corporate Tax Benefits
Lower Tax Rates
Private limited companies enjoy lower corporate tax rates as compared to sole proprietors/partnerships that are subject to higher progressive personal tax rates.
Local Tax Exemptions
Singapore government is giving 75% of corporate tax exemption on their first SGD100,000/- profit for each of its first three(3) consecutive years for newly registered Pte Ltd companies.
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What Others Say About Us
Thousands of customers have come to JJ & E for help and are delighted by our services. We trust you will too!
“My two partners and I were hugely impressed by the speed and ease in the entire company registration process. We are extremely satisfied with the service and professionalism of JJ & E and will certainly have no qualms recommending to our associates.”
“I thought that starting a new company in Singapore, as a foreigner, would have been quite unnerving, but everyone at JJ & E have been always on hand to answer my questions and were very professional and prompt in their replies.”
“JJ & E recently set up my company. All it took were a few emails and a brief visit to their office. Company operational and bank account all done in under an hour. I’m very pleased that I chose JJ & E – excellent service from a very well organised and efficient company.”
Ready To Kick Start Your New Company?

About JJ & E
JJ & E is an established professional firm that provides a one stop corporate solution with more than a decade of experience. Our services include Singapore Company Registration & Incorporation, Company Secretary, Accounting & Bookkeeping, Virtual Office, and Corporate Identity / Printing solution.
- Tel : (+65) 6225 2028
- WhatsApp / WeChat : +65 9834 6998
- Email : enquiry@jje.sg
- Address : 10 Anson Road #10-11 International Plaza, Singapore 079903
- Business Hours : Monday - Friday, 9am - 6pm