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Company Secretary Retainer Fee



Purchase this service to engage us as your company secretary for 12 months!

Kindly note that:

  • A S$50 Resolution Fee is required to appoint us as your company secretary if we are not your existing company secretary. If you are currently using our company secretary service, please select “Not Applicable” in the Resolution Fee options above.
SKU: Company Secretary Retainer Fee Category:


Upon completion of your purchase,

  • A corporate secretary advisory executive will be assigned to service your company account
  • We will handle all necessary documentation for the switch such as providing a termination notice to your previous service provider
  • After the termination notice is served, we will collect your company statutory files and common seal on your behalf as well as inform all the relevant statutory agencies of the change
  • We will also review your records and advise you on your company financial year end status, submission due dates and late payment penalties (if any)

Switch over to JJ & E today and leave the hassle of up-keeping your mandatory filings to us!

Our annual company secretary service includes the following :

  • 12 Months Company Secretarial Service
  • Preparation of Minutes of The Meeting of 1st Board of Directors
  • Free Consultation Regarding Accounts & Basic Companies’ Act Compliance
  • Preparing Bank Resolution (Subjected to Banks’ Approval)
  • Preparing of Minutes for AGM / EGM*
  • Monitoring of ACRA (Annual Return) & IRAS (Corporate Tax) Filing Deadlines
  • E-stamping Share Transfers*
  • Issuing Share Certificates* (Need to be signed & sealed by Directors)
  • Passing of Resolutions for Any Company Changes*
  • Lodgement of Changes in Accordance to Resolutions Passed with ACRA*


Important Notes:

  • A S$50 Resolution Fee is required to appoint us as your company secretary if we are not your existing company secretary. If you are currently using our company secretary service, please select “Not Applicable” in the Resolution Fee options above.
  • The package fee is not inclusive of ACRA & IRAS late filing fees/penalties that your company may be liable for (if any).
  • Any late filing fees/penalties (if applicable) will be payable separately
  • *Professional fees and certificate charges applied
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